How it All Started

Our Story

A Note From Christian

Christian's Side

E ver since I was a kid, I felt God calling me to be a husband and father. There was no call to a certain career or the mission field; all I ever felt was a desire to protect and provide for a family of my own. When I met Andrea, I had been praying for almost 10 years that God would put someone in my life that I could be good to. After two months of talking, Andrea finally convinced me to go on a date with her. One thing led to another, and I've been asking her out on dates ever since. I am incredibly grateful that God brought us together, and I look forward to dating her for years to come. 

A Note From Andrea

Andrea's Side

I t was thanksgiving 2023. I had helped clean up the kitchen, winding down from hosting thanksgiving, and decided to be antisocial, and scroll through Hinge. I stumbled upon Christians profile that afternoon. His profile sticking out because he checked all my marks, Christian, a little artsy (but still manly), good looking, and funny. So I swiped. Crossing my fingers that this guy would notice my little notification that I had sent. I put my phone down and hoped for the best and returned back to Thanksgiving. I think it was a couple days later I got a message back. My heart did a little leap. And so it began. We talked and talked, about everything. He was intellectual, funny and quick-witted, interesting, and engaging. Fall turned into winter, winter turned into spring. And we continued to talk. It was easy. Here we are today, about to spend the rest of our lives together. Turns out God does have a plan and always has your best interest in mind.